Friday, October 13, 2006

God, The Five Senses, and Beyond

Some say that they don't believe in God because they cannot see God. But it can wisely be said that--to have an excuse not to believe in a Creator God--you'd have to be completely blind--unable to see anything.
Some say that they don't believe in God because they cannot hear Him speak audibly. But it can wisely be said that to be able to really deny a Creator God's existence, you'd have to be deaf--unable to hear anything.
Some say that they don't believe in God because He doesn't seem tangible to them--they can't touch Him, feel Him, "taste" Him, or "smell" Him. But it can wisely be said that to reject a Creator God's existence on this basis, you'd have to be completely insensitive--unable to touch, feel, taste, or smell anything.
Some say that they don't believe in God because of death. But it can wisely be said that--to not believe in God for this reason--you must not be alive--you yourself must be dead, or at least you must be brain "dead"--pardon the pun--enough to not comprehend the miracle of life.
Some say that they don't believe in God because of suffering. But it can wisely be said that to deny God's existence, using this as a valid alibi and leaving the topic un-investigated, you'd have to be experiencing mental "suffering" and/or apathetic, intellectual laziness.
Some say that they don't believe in God because of the presence of evil. But it can wisely be said that to hold this belief would require a comprehensive LACK of knowledge and understanding of good and evil.
Some say that they don't believe in God because they believe in Evolution--that we are just animals who have evolved from lower life forms. But it can wisely be said that--to use this as a viable excuse for denying God's existence--you'd have to BE a lower life form.
Some say that they don't believe in God because an "Intelligent Designer would never have designed such a crazy world." But it can wisely be said that--to seriously use this as a reason--you'd have to BE crazy, or you'd have to totally ignore, or be ignorant of, design.

Some say they don't believe in God because of a combination of the above factors--perhaps all of them. But it could be wisely said, then, to have ample reason and/or excuse to believe such things, you'd have to be a lower life form who's blind, deaf, insensitive, mentally handicapped or un-knowledgeable of certain things, crazy, not diligent, and yes--DEAD.

Of course, we all know there's no such person. We--at least we Christians--also know that sight problems, hearing problems, insentivity to touch and smell and taste and feel issues, mental issues, laziness, and inhumanity are NOT the keys to the epidemic of atheism. The key to atheism is a heart issue. When a person looks at Creation, he or she should clearly see that there is a Creator. Then, upon investigating God's Word many of our more complicated questions are answered, as well as our simple ones. Then, upon maturing as a Christian and praying for wisdom and discernment, even MORE of our questions our answered. At that point, the Christian has learned [if it wasn't learned earlier] to trust in God for any of the remaining questions--rather than rely on one's own finite and fallen reasoning ability.
So why are people so determined to deny God's existence and His will for their lives? As I said, it is because of the heart. People have motives for denying God a place in their lives. They "love the darkness rather than the light." Though their bodies our not dead, the Bible says the unsaved souls are "spiritually dead" and must be raised again to new life by the Work of Christ. Therefore Christians must pray for a work to be done in their hearts by God, as the Bible tells us He can.

And I leave you with this:
Romans 1:20

~ Kingdom Advancer

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