Saturday, September 30, 2006

Intelligent Design and Omniscience Part Two

This was just written, so you probably won't see it on for a while, since I have a feeling that he doesn't live in this time zone (that's not an insulting joke. I really do think that.). He doesn't want to let go of his argument (I'm seeing that as a trend), so I wrote a second-piece, enforcing the first. I saw some other Christians who I recognize also commenting on it. That's what I'm talking about!

You just don't get it, do you beepbeep?
God as an "Intelligent Designer" does not imply that God doesn't know everything, but that HE DOES KNOW THINGS. This is as opposed to your theory: MINDLESS evolution. The Intelligent Design movement demonstrates clearly the implausibility of random chance to create such a complex universe.

Intelligent design means that somebody was behind it--somebody knew what He was doing. Every INTELLIGENT human being admits that your 'god'--the theory of Evolution--is both inconceivable and improbable. (With the odds being about 1 in a million trillion, or worse.) Even Darwin, the virtual creator and father of Evolution, admitted this.

And, as I've already said, "intelligent designer" is not in the Bible, and it certainly doesn't come from the original Greek or Hebrew. Therefore, you have to take the definition FROM THE INTELLIGENT DESIGN MOVEMENT. Not "the first definition I found on"

"Could I suggest that the chaotic world we live in demonstrates clearly that nothing remotely intelligent or loving could have been involved in its crazy 'design'." --Daniel

You seem serious, and yet I want to laugh. If you are serious, I pity you. If you are capable of saying this with a clean conscience, then you must not have thought about it before you typed it. You say that an intelligent being couldn't have created such a crazy world. But what you don't realize is that it is not God's fault that mankind has turned its back on Him and messed up the whole universe. God is responsible, however, for designing things like the human eye. Maybe you should go to the library and read a book about the human eye--just for starters.

"Intelligence is not knowledge; intelligence is what we DO with knowledge." --Beepbeep

So, how about this? God holds all knowledge. He applied that knowledge to create the entire universe. All your knowledge and intelligence can't create ANYTHING in the format that God created it.

Beepbeep, Austin is right on track, in spite of what you think. Your "capacity to learn" argument implies that the more you learn, the less you have a capacity to learn, and therefore the less intelligent you are. By your partial definition, you could say that a newborn baby is "more intelligent" than any adult to ever have lived, because that baby has such a high "capacity to learn," from learning how to say "dadda" to how to split an atom.
In fact, however, today's usage of the word is almost synonymous with the possession of knowledge and a high mental ability. God, as an "intelligent designer," simply possesses all knowledge and has the highest of mental abilities.

Oh, by the way, "everything from nothing" is called EVOLUTION. Maybe you've heard of it. If you truly think yourself to believe in no God, the only other option is that everything came from nothing. And, uh, where did the elements before (causing) and after (resulting) from this supposed Big Bang come from?

~Kingdom Advancer

Friday, September 29, 2006

Intelligent Design and Omniscience

First of all, I'd like to thank Beepbeepitsme for posting my first comment on his blog. Although he thinks he puts forth convincing retorts to my claims, the Word of God is “sharper than any two-edged sword,” (Hebrews 4:12) (and his arguments are no two-edged swords--in fact, he's only replied to the first line of my comment so far). As well, “The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes." (Proverbs 21:1) And when I can't be the harvester, I'll be content with being the sower.

His latest attack on Christianity is that God can't be an intelligent designer, because "intelligence" and "omniscience" are not compatible attributes, because intelligence means--as one definition--the ability to acquire knowledge, and if God is omniscient, then He wouldn't be acquiring knowledge, and therefore He couldn't be intelligent, and therefore He couldn't be an intelligent designer. Yep, I'm being honest. That's his reasoning.

Again, I make a call for you to visit his site and read it for yourself, and if you think of something different than my argument--defend the faith! Advance the kingdom! Make a comment of your own!

By the way: I'm going to make a second comment on the "Jesus is Imaginary" post--even though I don't really have to since he didn't give a satisfactory rebuttal to my first comment. But anyways, just a heads up. It will also be posted on my blog, of course. It could be posted as soon as later tonight, or as late as tomorrow afternoon.

Another side-note: I saw that some of my readers went to that guy’s site and put up a stand. Good job! Jesus talks about the workers being few (Matthew 9:37), and it seems that many “workers” aren’t really “working.” This is what it's about!
Don’t be discouraged by what seems like a good and/or confident reply from the other side. Remember, the devil knows Scripture , (Mark 1) and He knows how to twist it even better, being the “father of lies.” (John 8:44) He also knows history—or at least is good at pretending he does. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t let an unbeliever tell you that he knows more about Scripture (“I don’t remember seeing that in the Bible.”) than you do. He can’t possibly understand Scripture fully, or else he’d believe, since “All Scripture is God-breathed.” (2 Timothy 3:16) I'm not accusing atheists of
being demons, but we know that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual force of wickedness in the heavenly places
." (Ephesians 6:12)

Definition of intelligent:
Having intelligence; Having a high degree of intelligence.

Definition of intelligence:

The capacity to acquire AND APPLY knowledge; SUPERIOR MENTAL CAPACITY.

Definition of omniscient:

Knowing everything; Having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight; Possessed of universal or complete knowledge.

God, as omniscient, does not need to acquire knowledge. He COULD (as in, He has the capacity)--but He has no need and will never have the need , for He is the source of all knowledge. There's no knowledge for Him to gain. He does, however, apply His knowledge. And He does have infinitely superior mental powers, and an unapproachably high degree of intelligence(knowledge).

The Bible neither uses the term "Intelligent Designer" nor "Omniscient." They both are clearly implied. Henceforth, however, you cannot use just any piece of the English definition of intelligence to make a case. That is intellectually insufficient and dishonest.

One last note: an "intelligent designer" does design things. But you, my fellow bloggers, cannot even comprehend how the term "intelligent designer" applies to God. He designed from nothing. ("In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was formless and void. And darkness was over the face of the deep."--Genesis 1:1-2) No one besides He can do that.

End-notes (not in my comment): The idea of God having the capacity to learn more sounds ridiculous when you say He does, and ridiculous when you say He doesn't. But the bottom line is that God is not incapable of learning because He's not smart enough or He's not powerful enough. God does not learn because there is nothing for Him to learn.

~ Kingdom Advancer

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Battlefield

I wrote this today on a site called The host of the site is an atheist, and most of the viewers of the site are atheists. Almost all of the articles are anti-Christian, written sarcastically, cynically, and cockily, thinking each time that they've shown how much smarter they are than the smartest Christian.
The site is high-tech, at least in the sense that it seems very dedicated to warring against the Kingdom of God. It's connected to a ton of other atheistic, humanistic sites.
I'm posting my comment on my blog for two reasons:
1.) First of all, because the host of the site has "comment moderation." In other words, if he doesn't like what I said, which I'm sure he won't, he has the opportunity to keep it from being posted. Therefore, at least my readers get to read it here.
2.) Secondly, I think this is important for my readers to see. This is our battlefield. Discussing doctrines of hell and the like is great, and I'll conclude that series soon, but this is where our efforts should be centered. I strongly beseech my Christian readers, if they are mature in their faith, to go to this site, and other anti-God, anti-Christian sites and put up a defense of the faith. Now, there's something to be said for throwing pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6), and these people aren't exactly "asking for the hope that is within us" (1 Peter 3:15), but we must still give a defense of the faith in the hopes that some might be saved, and so those that still reject will have even less of an excuse than they already have.

This particular article said that the author had found a way to prove that "Jesus was imaginary." He used two passages in Scripture, slammed 'em together, and ignored all context to come up with this:
"Get together with another person, pray that Jesus will appear, and if He doesn't, then you know He's not real."
I encourage you to go to his blog to read the whole story and other people's comments before reading mine (so it will make sense), and I'd like to hear your comments, but I'm writing this on my blog since I doubt that you'll see my comment on his.

Those who say that Jesus might never have existed probably also say (or might as well say) that George Washington might never have existed. Those who say these things are the same ones who are ABSOLUTELY sure there are NO ABSOLUTES. In case you didn't know, Jesus' existence can be verified by more than the Bible.

The Bible says that it is impossible to please God without faith. (Hebrews 11:6) Why exactly would he appear to a bunch of agnostics who spend all their time trying to disprove His existence? Besides, God doesn't need to make any special appearances (Romans 1:20)to prove His existence. And also, Jesus pointed out that, if you need such a blatant sign, you still wouldn't believe if you got it. (Luke 16:31) Jesus was always skeptical of those who followed Him just because of His signs. (John 2:24-25) He rebuked Thomas for doubting: "Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed." (John 20:29)

The Bible also says that when you pray, you must pray without doubt, for those who have doubt are worthless. (James 1:6) If Christians have "the faith of a mustard seed,"(Matthew 17:20) and do not doubt, they can move mountains. I'd like to see someone move a heavy feather with such cynical prayers [as "BeepBeep" proposed].

It also says to "delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4) If you delighted yourself in the Lord, you'd see all of Jesus that you needed to. Christians are also to pray in imitation of Jesus, praying for the "will of God." (Luke 22:42)

The reason Jesus appeared immediately after His resurrection, is because He was establishing His resurrection with over 500 eye-witnesses!!! This would prove almost any case in court. If He had resurrected and disappeared without so much as a goodbye, you'd all be saying, "There were no eye-witnesses."

Also, Jesus must have resurrected, because of the sacrificial spirit that was adopted by so many of His followers. There was nothing to gain by promoting a scam, except: beheadings; crucifixions; being thrown into boiling wax; getting beaten with cats of nine-tails; imprisoned; mocked; stoned; burned; dis-owned; exiled; and persecuted in every way imaginable. There was nothing to selfishly gain. If it was a lie, it couldn't have been a "crutch," as some agnostics like to say. It would have offered no peace. In fact, it offered no chance for pride or self-exaltation. "I am crucified with Christ, and yet I live. Yet it is not I who live, but Christ who lives within me." (Galatians 2:20) Christians are to consider themselves "dead to sin." (Romans 6:11) Christians are under temptation to sin, (1 Corinthians 10:13) and certainly Christians realize that there are "pleasures of sin for a season." (Hebrews 11:25) Those are given up by the true Christian. And you think it's for an imaginary entity?

To say that Jesus never lived is ignorant and arrogantly defiant; to say that He wasn't resurrected is outlandish (perhaps you should read the "Case for Christ" or the "Case for the Resurrection"); and to say that this test proves your case is extremely overly-optimistic.

None of this is hateful. I want you to see the light, to no longer be "hearers but not doers." (James 1) The unsaved are blinded, but God can open their/your eyes. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

I realize this blog has comment moderation, so I understand that only the blog owner might get to read this. It's still worth it to me, nonetheless, to defend my Lord and to be a witness for Him, (1 Peter 3:15) that "some might be saved." (1 Corinthians 9:22)

~ Kingdom Advancer

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hell, Part 3

Before you read this, make sure you've read Parts One and Two with all the comments that go with them.


Let's start with the obvious. Hell will be bad. Whether it will be "worse than we could ever imagine," I don't know. I can imagine to a pretty horrific extent. But the separation from God and all things good and enjoyable will be worse than we could ever comprehend. As in, although we can imagine how terrible hell will be, we can't comprehend because we've never experienced separation from God, etc., etc..

I mention the generic obvious for this reason. A common unbeliever's reply to the doctrine of hell is, "There is no hell; I'm going through my hell here on this earth. This life is hell." This is what Ray Comfort says about that (in The Evidence Bible):
Skeptics who say this are trying to dismiss the reality of hell. They might like
to think that life as we know it couldn’t get any worse, but the sufferings in
this life will be heaven compared to the suffering in the next life—for those
who die in their sins. This life is the closest thing to hell that Christians
will ever know, and the closest thing to heaven that sinners will ever know.

This earth isn’t anywhere close to heaven or to hell. The way I see it is like this: when you’re in the middle of the United States, you’re neither close to the North Pole nor the South Pole. But if you fly to the South Pole to live until your death, your time in the U.S. is the closest you’ll ever get to the North Pole, and vice versa.
Hell is a strong word used for many earthly evils, like, "War is hell." In Darryl Worley's hit song, "Have You Forgotten?", he sings, "...when those towers fell, we had neighbors still inside, going through a living hell." One of the strongest curses known to man is, "You can go to hell for all I care." This is always taken seriously, but the person making this damnation doesn't even realize quite how strong those implications are.
Now I'm not going to try to downplay any of life's difficult consequences, especially ones I've never been through, like war and being inside a burning building. And, for those who think life is hell, they've probably lived a harder life so far than I have. But this statement shows an ignorance--as Ray Comfort said, "to the reality of hell,"--and it also shows a deep self-pity and a tendency to extremely exaggerate. Bottom line: hell will be worse than anything on this earth, as hard as that might be to comprehend. This is true, if for no other reason, than that it will be eternal, while every trial in this life generally passes, or at least wanes from time to time.
Now that I've established that hell will be "bad,"--not enjoyable, to say the very least, I might as well tackle this wisecrack remark that unbelievers often utilize: "I don't care if I'm going to hell, because all my friends will be there." This again shows the ignorance--and arrogance--to hell. It's as simple as the ole "If you're friends jumped off a cliff, would you too?" argument. Some would, I must admit, in this day of the power of peer pressure in which we live, along with the adrenaline-addict and "life has no purpose" phenomenon we are facing in society. However, this is the absolute dumbest thing a person could ever do. If a whole group of your friends decided to sit around and drink gasoline--followed with the snack of burning matches--it wouldn't be as stupid to follow the crowd in that situation than to follow your friends to hell and challenge the wrath of Almighty God.

However, like I've already said twice (using the term "ignorance"), this type of apathy towards hell usually roots in a misconception of hell. Some unsaved sinners might admit to you that there is a hell. But they don't realize that hell is not the “sinners’ heaven.” It is not a grotesque party. Judgment Day will not go like this: “Anyone who wants to party sinfully, go through that door—hell’s on the other side; but any pious Christians who enjoyed their persecuted and trial-filled life on earth--resisting temptation and the 'pleasures of sin for a season'(Hebrews 11:25), the sinless party is through this door—heaven.” No. Hell will not be a place where lewd acts are performed without reservation, conscious, embarrasment, or reproach. The Bible speaks of sinners enjoying “the passing pleasures of sin,”(Hebrews 11:25) not the pleasures of sin for eternity. Words such as damnation, cursing, wrath, punishment, torment, weeping, shame, contempt, tribulation, anguish, destruction, and gnashing of teeth show us that there will be no pleasure in hell.

So how long will this experience, which we've established won't be a party, last? Some Christians just don’t have the heart to say that “eternal punishment” will be “eternal.” But, the bottom line is—it will be. What the Bible says, I have to believe. Daniel 12:2 : "...everlasting contempt"; Matthew 25:46 : "...everlasting (or eternal) punishment..." ; Luke 3:17: " unquenchable[it will never stop]..." ; 2 Thessalonians 1:9 : "Everlasting destruction..." ; Jude 7 : "Eternal fire..." ; Jude 13: "...the blackness of darkness forever..." ; Revelation 14:11 : "...for ever and ever." The list of references I'm certain goes on, but the point is made. Plus, if hell wasn't eternal punishment, Jesus wouldn’t have said numerous times to “pluck out your eye” or “cut off your hand” if those acts would keep you from going to hell. (Matthew 5:29,30; Matthew 18:9 ; Mark 9:45,47) Why go through life with impaired sight and one hand if you can just suffer for them a little while after death and then end up at the “party” later? That’s the absurdity behind purgatory. It's also how the theory of "annihilation-ism" can be discredited. You're eventually going to get relief, so why deny yourself your fleshly pleasure? These theories, of not-eternal punishment, insult the holiness and justice of our perfect God.

Now we see that hellish punishment will neither be temporary nor fun. So what will it be like? Well, it is important to note that neither heaven nor hell is a place where "spirits just float around." This is seen clearer on the topic of heaven than hell, for in heaven we will receive "glorified bodies" (Philippians 3:21), yes, our old bodies will be perfected in their resurrection.(1 Corinthians 15:42--note: this is just one reference to many of the "resurrection of the dead.") But, as I failed to realize before, those lost in their sins will also be resurrected! They won't be saved, no. The Bible says, "Those who did the good deeds [will receive] a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds [will receive] a resurrection of judgment." (John 5:29) It appears that Jesus is stating here that the unregenerate will be given bodies for the purpose of receiving punishment. John 5:29 is backed up by Acts 24:15, "That there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked." These statements make sense, because the Bible seems to point to physical, conscious punishment: "Their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched" (Mark 9); "...destruction..." (2 Thessalonians 1:9); "Eternal fire..." (Jude 7); "Weeping and gnashing of teeth..." (Matthew 24:51); as well as spiritual punishments: "Shame and everlasting contempt..." (Daniel 12:2). But as I’ve stated in previous articles, I believe the wicked are suffering now, before they've received their bodies “for judgment.” So, the only thing I can say is: don’t underestimate God. I am sure He can inflict physical feeling pain on the soul. In fact, humans have difficulty separating the two sensations oftentimes (when you're in pain, you're in pain).

But how will this work? How will the unsaved be burned and scorched eternally? I picture (and yes, it’s gruesome) the unregenerate as similar to the Burning Bush, which “burned, but was not consumed.” (Exodus 3:2)

Also, eternal darkness will be there? How will there be fire and eternal darkness? First of all, it will be spiritual darkness—separation of God and His common grace (even if you are not a Christian on this earth, you are receiving “common grace” from God). But the Bible also says "the blackness of darkness forever." (Jude 13) That doesn't sound like spiritual darkness. Perhaps, the gift of sight will be removed. After all, Jesus said it would be better to enter heaven with one eye than hell with two. (Matthew 5:29) Those who are condemned cannot expect the blessings of the functions of the human body to remain--except for the sensors of pain.

After these things, the specifics of hell are almost indiscernible. Will there be degrees of hell? Well, the Bible tells us that there will be differing rewards in heaven. And “Judgment Day” would be rather boring and repetitive without degrees of hell. Of course, God sees all of our sins as “exceedingly sinful,” (Romans 7:13) but is Hitler going to get the same punishment as everyone else? What about the serial rapist? Child molester? Maybe God’s justice is different than what we think, but the Bible does say He will judge us on all of our secret thoughts, idle words, and deeds. With this supporting my intuiton, I have an inkling that “Judgment Day” will be more than “He’s a Christian, she’s not; she’s a Christian, he’s not.”

The most common objection (including mine) to the idea of “degrees of hell” is found in the transitive property of equality: “If someone suffers more in hell than someone else, than that means someone else suffers LESS.” This, however, isn’t even worth talking about. It’s like saying, “Two people are in a fiery furnace. One’s in the middle, where’s it 4000 degrees. The other is toward the edge, where it’s ‘only’ 3000 degrees.” Who cares? Would you want to be in that furnace? Would you take solace in the fact that you are not in the 4000 degree part? Even if you were able to think comparatively and logically in such a position, then you’d have to realize that you didn’t sin as much as you could have. If you can handle this amount of heat, why didn’t you have more fun on earth?

If you were to ask my imagination's opinion--conjugating off words like "torment" and "anguish"--I could think of some pretty horrid scenarios. But besides "fire" and "worm," we are not given any specifics really in Scripture, so I won't expound on any fancies either. One would be the idea of demons torturing humans, but what would happen when the demons were thrown into the Lake of Fire? I don't think that God, in the year 289,756 A.D., will say, "Today I think I will give Mrs. Smith the worst migraine she could ever imagine." I could be wrong, of course. I could be underestimating the wrath of God. But my guess is that a mechanism will already be in place--automatically carrying out just wrath and punishment.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Hell, Part 2

Before reading this, make sure you've read "Hell, Part One" and all of the comments that go with it.

Where are the locations of heaven and hell?

It is debatable whether heaven or hell are in this universe. As I said in Part One, some believe that those in Hades are under the earth, in secret chambers. Greek mythology states that Hades is “under the earth.” Sometimes Sheol, in the Bible, refers less to the grave and more to “the depths of the earth.” Heaven is referred to as being the—or in the—“third heaven” (2 Corinthians 12:2)—suggesting that heaven could be reached, providing we had the proper technology and God allowed us—which He would not (See the Tower of Babel). Jesus ascended "to heaven." It is even an intriguing thought, in a science-fiction sort of way, that hell would be located in the center of the earth (the core), where it is incomprehensibly hot, and even that, Hades, along with the whole earth, would be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
However, there are many problems with such a fanciful philosophy. First of all, some believe that the “new earth” spoken of in the Bible is a renewed earth, not an entirely brand-new one. Secondly, the “third heaven” referred to in 2 Corinthians could mean that heaven is past our atmosphere and past outer space—“out of this world” and “out of this universe.” We know that “neither height, nor depth...will be able to separate us from the love of God" (Romans 8:39), so proximity wouldn't be an issue. Thirdly, we know that God sits on His throne in heaven (To point out a few verses: Matthew 5:34; 23:22; Acts 7:49). Although at some point in time nothing existed (though our finite minds can’t grasp that), God was probably sitting on His throne, being worshiped by angels (angels likely weren’t part of the Genesis Creation), before He created the universe. (Although, admittedly, we are given the impression in Genesis 1 that nothing existed before the Creation) But if heaven were in this universe, then where was the Father, the Son, and the Spirit before the Creation? As for Jesus' ascension, well, it can be assumed that He didn't spend days and weeks and months and years "ascending" to the "third heaven." Once He evaded the sight of men, He likely was immediately with the Father in heaven.
In reference to hell, there are also issues. Although both the Bible and Greek mythology seem to point to physical, earthy places beneath the dirt surface, this could simply be an analogy to the fact that bodies are buried. And as the “heavens” is a term for the sky, so “hell” has become synonymous with “below the dirt.” (As a little child I could summarize it as “heaven is up, hell is down.”) Not to mention the fact that, if this universe (or just earth) is going to be destroyed, what would happen to hell, which Scripture says will dole out punishment eternally? And like I said in Part One, if the body separates from the spirit at death, where would the requirement of the spirit staying on earth be?
Whether or not hell or heaven exist in this universe is really irrelevant in the end (since no living human can access either of them) and ultimately indiscernible, since good and logical arguments go both ways. Feel free, however, to give me your opinions. You may see it in a way I haven't.

~Kingdom Advancer

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hell, Part 1

I’m sure many people probably don’t like the idea of an entire article on hell, and I want to make it clear that I don’t focus on why people go to hell in this article, but what hell is.
Why write/read about hell? I can think of at least three reasons why Christians should know a lot about hell:

  • The realization of the details of hell should make the Christian cling tighter to God.
  • The realization of hell should motivate the Christian to save sinners.
  • The knowledge of hell should help Christians persuade sinners.

Before we look at the details of hell, however, I think we should look at a little background—on heaven and hell. That will comprise Part One.


Christians who have passed on are now in “paradise,” or “old heaven.” In the parable of Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:19-31), heaven is referred to as “Abraham’s Bosom.” The heaven that Christians (and God) are currently in isn’t old, but it will be in comparison to the new heaven and the new earth (2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1) that is created, which will include the new Jerusalem (Revelation 3:12; 21:2) and all of our mansions Jesus is currently preparing (John 14:2), when Jesus comes again to claim His throne and judge the world in righteousness. ( Acts 17:31)
(Note: “Heaven” or “heavens” may refer to the sky, and therefore the original heaven may remain forever, for whereas the “sky” has been affected by sin, “heaven” has not.)


Similarly, people who are dead but are not covered by the blood of Jesus to save them, now are in hell (or Hades), but not in the “Lake of Fire.” (Revelation 20:14-15) The definition of Hades is “the abode of the dead,” but basically, it is hell, for those who God finds favor in go to heaven (“Abraham’s Bosom,” Luke 16:19-31), and Jesus says in the same parable that the rich man in Hades was “in torment.” The Bible refers to Hades synonymously with what we refer to as hell (“…the gates of Hades will not overpower it.”—Matthew 16:18; “And you, Capernaum, will not be exalted to heaven, will you? You will be brought down to Hades!”—Luke 10:15) It is clear that hell is already being experienced because the Bible states, “For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment...” (2 Peter 2:4) “Gehenna” is another term for the “place of punishment,” but it’s synonymous with hell as well, so much so, that, the NASB (the most accurate readable translation of the Bible to date) considers them interchangeable (see Matthew 5:22,29; 10:28; James 3:6) Eventually, however, complete judgment will come—the “Day of Judgment” or “Day of Wrath” will come (2 Peter 3:7; Romans 2:5)—and then Hades and all it contains (including death itself) will be thrown into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:14). This implies that hell will get worse (Hell "inside" the Lake of Fire). I think of the deceased unregenerate people’s current state as the torture chamber before the execution—the flogging before the cross.

(Note: Some believe that those now in “Hades” are actually on earth—under it, in secret chambers. Greek mythology states that Hades is “under the earth.” This is intriguing but unrealistic. At death, we know that the spirit separates from the body, so why would the spirits stay on this earth?)

~ Kingdom Advancer

September 21st, 2006

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How Much Time Do We Have Left?

This poem is another in a series of poems and prose that focuses on the need for zeal and urgency in evangelism. Also see: Really Believed ; Witness to Our Enemies ; Fear of Failure/Rejection ; and I Am Prepared to Die.

How much time do we have left?
The end is coming, step by step.
And while Jesus is praying, will we have slept,
And left many souls of salvation bereft?

They hang on the cliff, as we hide in God's cleft,
By God's pleasure, they've not fallen to the depths
Of hell, but rather, by Him have been kept,
On the edge, but not rightfully judged quite yet.

Will we stand here and watch them fall?
God will let their grip slip, and that will be all.
Will we deafly ignore the call?
And be chastised that we "dropped the ball"?

Let's pray we will not, let's pray period,
So that some might be saved and raised from the dead.

~ Kingdom Advancer
written September 18th, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

Monday, September 18, 2006

The First Five Aspects.

These are the five aspects I would want in a wife that I put on as a response to a question from the administrator, Jonathan M.

1. Dedicated/committed: first to God and then to me (hopefully God and I will always be compatible so she wouldn't ever have to choose God over me.)
2. Focused: on God and on her purpose in life.
3. Sweet: sweet personality, soft and tender-hearted (compassionate), able to enjoy herself despite the wearies of the world and the sometimes burdensome knowledge of Christianity.
4. Pure: as unstained by the world as possible (especially sexually).
5. Loving: This is similar to aspect number one, "dedicated," but oh, well--loves God, loves me, loves children, loves people in general (has a burden for the lost).

Of course, I could list many more, and Proverbs' description is always a good guideline to go by. To see the rest of what I said, check out, and go to the "Reality Strike!" comment section.

I talked about how, although physical attractiveness isn't necessarily a priority to the Christian man, it is important, and how "having stuff in common" is a natural requirement.

Proverbs 31: 10-31
An excellent wife, who can find?
For her worth is far above jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
And he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good and not evil.
All the days of her life.
She looks for wool and flax
And works with her hands in delight.
She is like merchant ships;
She brings her food from afar.
She rises also while it is still night
And gives food to her household
And portions to her maidens.
She considers a field and buys it;
From her earnings she plants a vineyard.
She girds herself with strength
And makes her arms strong.
She senses that her gain is good;
Her lamp does not go out at night.
She stretches out her hands to the distaff,
And her hands grasp the spindle.
She extends her hand to the poor,
And she stretches out her hands to the needy.
She is not afraid of the snow for her household,
For all her household are clothed with scarlet.
She makes coverings for herself;
Her clothing is fine linen and purple.
Her husband is known in the gates,
When he sits among the elders of the land.
She makes linen garments and sells them,
And supplies belts to the tradesmen.
Strength and dignity are her clothing,
And she smiles at the future.
She opens her mouth in wisdom,
And the teacching of kindness is on her tongue.
She looks well to the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and bless her;
Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:
"Many daughters have done nobly,
But you excel them all."
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
Give her the product of her hands,
And let her works praise her in the gates.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


This poem was written when I was feeling discouraged. I felt like I wasn't doing enough for God, like I wasn't using my talents and efforts enough toward His glory, like my life didn't have enough purpose and direction. But by the end of writing the poem, I'd already found strength, hope, and confidence again, with "my self, my all" bound to the Lord Jesus.

My life is like water, not a river, mind you, friend.
A waterfall with a beginning, but apparently no end.
It travels with no finish line, no direction it travels in.
It gives no purpose or protection, no certainty it lends.

Now think of this water as effort, time, and prayer.
A lot of things over the years, in which I put a lot of care.
Where the water splatters is a place I call here,
But, by God's will, when it collects, I will be going somewhere

But all this water, all this talent, all this knowledge on the ground,
Can't be wasted, disrespected, or stagnant, it'll be found.
So to the Lord Jesus, my self, my all is bound,
And with that in mind, I know my future, my purpose are sound.

~ Kingdom Advancer
written February 22th, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

Really Believed

This was written very late one night, when I wasn't able to sleep, likely because this dissertation was on my mind.

The songs are countless about the subject: the ends of our lives, the end of the world, and how we would act if we knew when those times had come (see "Last Day on This Earth" by Steven Curtis Chapman; "Last Day of My Life" by Phil Vassar; "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw; and many others). We hear pastors and Christians in all different leves of ministry, including ourselves, say things like "Jesus is coming back soon," "It's just another sign of the times," "We're definitely in the End Times," "It's all coming true," etc., etc., etc.. But how many people who say these things really believe the words coming out of their mouths?
I'm gonna say two or three percentile. Hopefully, I'm way wrong, but I doubt it, since statistics show that only about two percent of Christians regularly share their faith with others. Where's the connection? Here:
If these people who say these things (and all Christians) really believed these statements--statements that are likely accurate--could we go to work and say nothing of it to our co-workers? Could we go to school and not mention the topic to our fellow students? Could we go to practice and remain silent around our teammates? Would our friends and colleagues not have the benefit of us speaking to them about such grave matters? What about our family members? What about the cashier at the store? The bagger? The beggar? The strangers shopping beside us? An acquaintance? The kids in the neighborhood? And the list goes on...

How could se see the flames of hell licking at their shirt tails and not yell "FIRE!"? How could we see the Antichrist preparing for his conquest and not say, "Watch out for THAT guy!"? How could we see prophecy after prophecy from the Bible being fulfilled and not state emphatically, "God told you so!"? How could we see the gavel about to pound on their verdict of eternal damnation, torment, and punishment, and not cry, "You will soon be judged!"? How could we see them walking towards the cliff of death and damnation and not scream, "STOP! Turn around!"? How could we see them in their homes in the City of Destruction and not plead, "Move to the City of God!"? How can we see them wallowing naked in the mire, and not command, "Clean yourselves, and clothe yourselves, before the King arrives!"? How can we see them suffering unto death with the disease of sin and not offer, "I have the Cure!"? How could we see the ignorant perishing and not inform them? How could we not continuously shout, "You are sinners! You have sinned! You are rightfully and justly condemned! But God has made a way! Jesus Christ came, lived a sinless life, and died on the cross for all of our sins, and He rose again! Accept Him as your Savior! Believe on Him and trust in Him! Put your faith in Him, for it is not of what we've done--what you've done--but it is a gift of God, by grace through faith! Repent and turn from your sins! Lean not on your own understanding! Study the Bible and live for God!"?

I say we could not do such a thing. If we preach what we believe and believe what we preach, then I say we would practice what we preach and take the necessary ensuing steps of our time, and of all time, since the death of one unregenerate is a little bit of the end of the world, and every bit the end of that one life.

~Kingdom Advancer
written September 2nd, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

The green portion towards the end of this article is virtually word-for-word from different Scripture verses, but for the sake of the article's "flow," the eagerness to get this on the internet, and the would-be required research time, the references are left up to the reader to find. At some point in the future, however, this post may be edited and the verses added. If you recognize some of the verses and have their references on hand, please feel free to comment and give the references you know.
As for the rest of the article, it is entirely Biblically sound, but some of it is more artistic and analogical than the green section.

Addressing what a common objection would probably be to such a fiery discourse:
Some advocate "Friendship Evangelism." This may work sometimes, and God can generally work through many forms of evangelism (if He wants to), but I can pretty much disprove the theory of "Friendship Evangelism" in three quick points.
1.) First of all, it actually becomes harder in most cases, not easier, to speak to someone you love and respect (and don't want to hate and disrespect you) than to a stranger.
2.) Secondly, if you were driving a car with a relatively new acquaintance in the passenger seat--distracted by something (cell-phone; sleep)--and you knew that the car was out of control--the brakes and steering had gone haywire and the car was speeding toward a cliff--would you wait till you had built up trust with your passenger before telling him to "abandon ship"? Well, you don't know if you're "project" will die tonight, tomorrow, or the day after. But certainly "Friendship Evangelism" risks the possibility of a lot of souls entering eternity without the knowledge of the Savior when their "new friend" knew everything they needed to know to avoid the Gates of Hell.
3.) Lastly, as Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort say, you can pretty much "build a friendly relationship with somebody in a few minutes." See for more.

Fear of Failure/Rejection

This poem addresses the apparent hypocrisy and double-standard in many Christians, that they/we are willing to risk failure and rejection in many other areas of their/our lives (this poem especially illustrates sports), but they/we aren't willing to witness to others for "fear of rejection," "fear of failure," "fear of making a mistake," "fear of offending them."
Because I might not score, do I fail to take the shot?
Because I might have lost, should I not have fought?
Do I not put my glove out, ‘cause the ball might not get caught?
If there’s a chance I might mess up, should I not hold my spot?

Because it might be dropped, do I fail to make the pass?
‘Cause someone might be faster, do I not try to go fast?
Because I’m not a pro, do I not fish for bass?
Because I could get a problem wrong, do I not go to class?

Because the truth is harsh, do I still think ignorance bliss?
Do I decide not to swing the bat, for fear that I might miss?
Because my loved ones I might lose, do I their love resist?
Do I not punch in self-defense, ‘cause I might hurt my fist?

Certainly not, so why then,
From a fear of rejection,
Do I as a Christian,
Not tell the world about sin,
And how to be born again?

A chance it is agreed,
But it’s a chance I see,
As a risk that’s worthy,
For it is setting souls free!

It is a simple task,
And what the good Lord asks,
Is that we give something back,
By going to souls who lack
The power to turn their souls to white from black.
~ Kingdom Advancer
written: September 6th, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I Am Prepared to Die

This poem is part creed, part battle cry, and part comforting words on which to meditate.
I am prepared to die,
As if I am a soldier,
For the cause of Christ,
Gives me strength and makes me bolder.

I signed an Oath of Death and Life,
With His very own blood,
I promised ever to live and fight,
For what He’s doing and has done.

Now that I hoist His banner,
Life and death hold but small difference.
In both I hope to bring God honor,
By learning all His lessons.

It’s not a peacetime in this army,
Of which I willingly serve.
The devil has his evil minions,
Always “throwing curves.”

There is no fear, whatsoever,
Felt within these walls,
For we have victory forever,
On Jesus we may call.

Confidence runs high, because we have the General,
Who does the supernatural, and everything controls.

The foe does know his destiny,
Is in loss and not in winning.
But yet he fights the battle raging,
Hoping some soldier's fainting.

I am prepared to die,
As if I am a warrior,
For the reward that waits me nigh,
Is better than what's before it.
~ Kingdom Advancer
written August 4th, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

Reasons I Believe

This poem was written out of the desire to quench my own doubts that occasionally surface like weeds, and to answer, in a concise and artistic way, how through experience one can be so sure of the infallibility of Scripture, the existence of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the divinity of Jesus Christ.
I've tasted and seen that the Lord is good.
I've read His Holy Word.
I've found no fault within its pages,
But only boundless worth.

I've read and memorized those lines--
Those words in any language,
Which remain letters Divine,
While no longer seem strange.

I've read and marveled endlessly,
At the many prophecies,
The future predicted so flawlessly,
For others, still a mystery.

I've read about my Savior,
In Testaments Old and New.
Symbolized in each endeavor,
And realized to be true.

I've seen His works in their perfection,
For no criticism I find grounds.
I've seen the good, the great, and better,
But wait for the trumpet's sounds.

I've felt the Spirit and the Ghost,
I can't deny the facts.
He comes and goes but stays with me.
And never is He lax.

I've talked to God the Father,
I do it every day.
You cannot make me to believe,
To no one I do pray.

I've seen His many miracles,
That He performs in grace.
The ordinary and supernatural,
For Him are commonplace.

We walk together on the sand,
Sometimes He carries me,
It cannot be explained to be,
That I'm only imagining.

I’ve come to know Him better now,
Through amazing grace and faith,
And those only serve to compound,
The evidential state.

Though His ways are hard to grasp,
And difficult to see,
You will never change my mind,
But hopefully, He will thee.

~ Kingdom Advancer
written August 4th, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

Q & A Central

This is the post on which you can comment with questions. If your question applies to one of my other posts, then just ask it on the appropriate post. But if your question is unrelated, then ask it here. I will try to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge and to the best of my resources.

~ Kingdom Advancer

Friday, September 15, 2006

So Near Grows Death to Life

In John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Adam states to Eve, in reference to the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, “So near grows death to life…” What an ominous reminder to us by the first of sinners, that the wheat grows with the tares; both the wise and foolish virgins retrieve water from the same well; both the prodigal and the obedient sons come from the same womb and household; the wolf comes in sheep’s clothing; the lion prowls stealthily—waiting for one to devour; a fool thinks himself wise in his own mind; weeds and thorns—as well as crops—often grow in the same soil; the fat and healthy cows graze in the same field as the scrawny and cannibalistic cows; there will be those who do great things in God’s name who are not saved; the hot water often is mixed with the cold and results in luke-warmness; and Satan himself poses as an angel of light. What a thin line there is that stands between evil and good, death and life, God’s side and not! Let us therefore always remember that the goal is not to walk the line, but to stay clearly on God’s side of the line.

--Kingdom Advancer
written: May 29th, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

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Even if you've just stumbled onto the site accidentally, Kingdom Advancing wants to know about you! So, just comment on this article (or any article) and answer the following questions. It will only take a minute--or less, if you type and think fast.

  1. Name (Your blogger name/alias and/or your real name)
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~ Kingdom Advancer

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Price, not the Password

Jesus isn't the password from all pain; He's the price for eternal punishment's pardon.

--Kingdom Advancer
written: July 27th, 2006

Scale of 1 to 10

If you were to rate your commitment to God on a scale of 1 to 10, would you honestly be able to say 10 for yourself? And if not, would you honestly be able to say that that fact doesn't bother and convict you?

--Kingdom Advancer
written: July 21st, 2006

Father, Brother, Brother

We need to be like the prodigal after he repented, the obedient brother without the contempt, and the compassionate father with his burden for the lost.

--Kingdom Advancer
written: July 20, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

Platform: Pool or Peak?

When God gives you a platform, will you use it to plunge into the pool of your own pleasures, or will you boldly stand firm on the peak of God's purpose so that the world can see Jesus through you?

--Kingdom Advancer
written: July 20th, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

New World Treasure and the American Dream

It is a trustworthy statement: there were those who journeyed to the New World in hope of finding gold and all sorts of treasures of material worth. But the fact remains that many--yes, perhaps even the majority--who traveled through stormy waters to an uncertain future realized that God is the source of true riches. After all, is He not the Creator of all things, the Sovereign Ruler of all things and people, and the architect of the City of Gold (Heaven)? And those who knew and embraced this truth also knew that this trange and new land offered access to such wealth in the ability to worship and serve God "in freedom and in truth."
Yet, even now, many centuries later, the American Dream is equated with social and financial prosperity. The wise, however, understand that the real American Dream ultimately only comes true through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

-- Kingdom Advancer
written: 8/15/06
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

Plant Pride

I do not boast or take pride in my Christian maturity. Does a plant take pride in the rain it receives? Does it boast in the sunshine? Does it pride itself that it happened to be planted in fertile soil? Is it puffed up by the fact that it was tossed by an "all-powerful" hand, or that, by chance or providence and no act of its own, it accidentally fell away from the seed bag, or that it floated away from its parent plant, and against the odds, survived? Does it boast in its parents' and ancestors' germination and pollination? Does it hold a sense of pride that the climate was just right for its early life, and that the beaks of birds and bugs passed over it? Does it boast each day that it was neither parched nor drowned the day before, or frozen the last night? Does it pridefully make known that pests and other predators are rare in its area? Does it puff itself up that, by no power or intelligence of its own, it is a tomato plant rather than an onion, or a rose rather than a daisy? Does it stand tall and proud because an "all-powerful" hand removes the weeds, or because the weeds happen to leave it be? Is it full of itself that it has survived storms, when its survival derives from things mentioned above? Of course it does not. It rather humbly and gratefully accepts these blessings, and simply grows.

Neither will I boast or fill myself with pride over blessings that do not come from myself. Spiritual maturity can be equated to a plant's maturity: both take a lot of gifts and blessings to occur.

-- Kingdom Advancer
written: September 1st, 2006
© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

Oncoming Train

Once, when pausing from our bike-ride to watch a train go by on our nearby tracks, my brother and I joked about the uncanny and incomprehensible urge to throw ourselves in front of an oncoming train when we stand near one. Would that be suicide? Of course. Would that be stupid? Of course. Would that be inexplicable? Of course. Would we ever do it? Of course not.

The point of the story? Well, I think there can be a very important lesson learned. First of all, though, I don't want you to think me and my brother are crazy. Perhaps, you've never stood close to a train charging by. Or perhaps you've never sensed that urging feeling, which is certainly demonic--for it is quite subtle and often easily ignored--I mean, it's absurd, after all!

But the important lesson to learn is this: The devil's temptations aren't always logical or clever; sometimes they're just powerful.

The Bible says that the devil is like "a roaring lion," (1 Peter 5:8-9) quite powerful imagery! Although this passage does go on to imply a stealth that the lion(devil) uses to devour its prey(us), sometimes the lion(devil) doesn't need to be sneaky. Sometimes he can just overpower his target. So think when the devil combines his power with other elements, like emotions, circumstances, etc.,etc.. That can be downright irresistable!

So where's the hope? In this verse: "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4)

Witness to Our Enemies

This is a very unique poetic work, combining several different rhyme schemes and meters. It's point is that we (as Christians) should not allow our preferences, opinions, pre-judgments, dislikes, hatreds, ad infinitum, to keep us from witnessing and evangelizing to everyone.

Shall our own hate be the gate that bars the way to heaven?
Shall our own disdain preserve the stain of sin?
Shall our own dislikes remove the spikes from Jesus' hands and feet?
Shall our own despising feed the rising flames of hell?
Shall our own grudges be the judges of who deserves to hear?
Shall we who are healed, not reveal the cure?
Shall a price we're owed sacrifice a soul?
Shall a penny-debt invoke eternal death?

May it never be so!
May the pot not keep the kettle from the stove!
May one poor slave not keep another from escape!
May the planks remind before the specks we find!

Our transgressions are massive; our sins are great.
And by Jesus' words, we murder when we hate.
We must love all, and not hesitate,
To tell all the Good News and their ultimate fate.

Realize their wrongs against us are few,
When compared with the wrongs against God we all do.
Realize God sent His Son so that all might choose,
To be winners in Christ rather than to lose.

Remember this: our calling is from Above,
And the one who does not try to stop the bleeding,
Is guilty of spilling the blood.

--Kingdom Advancer
written: September 3rd, 2006

© Copyright 2006, Kingdom Advancing

Mission Statement

Kingdom Advancing: Dedicated to the advancing of the Kingdom of God, as well as freedom in general.


Hey! Welcome to the newest blog on the block, and the site dedicated to Kingdom Advancing. You'll know me as "Kingdom Advancer," but I'm not the only one: there are many others, and you can be one, too!!! At some point, hopefully I'll be able to tell you just how you can do that--notably, why and how to become a Christian.

I'll be honest: I don't know how consistently new articles will be placed on this site, but I'll try to make Kingdom Advancing a worthwhile stop during your website endeavors.

Lastly, I want to thank you for visiting this blog, even just this once. And remember, never stop advancing the Kingdom!

--Kingdom Advancer